Pan Dari Persian and Turkish origin lies

(The article was added images Shhrbraz. See also Turkish position And Thirty-three dialects of Arabic, Persian,.)

Link to article The Shhrbraz

Since the Persian language has been one of the connecting factors of Iranians throughout history - especially after Islam - Iran's separatists and enemies have recently attacked the Persian language in order to achieve their ominous goals and made baseless and ridiculous claims in this regard. I will address a few of them.

I repeated that I should first emphasis in both Turkish and English and speakers of the two languages ​​respect. The following is the only study Enlightenment ideas and baseless lies and minority small group of radical separatism is Pantrk. Iranian Azerbaijanis are leaving because their culture. حتا اگر بخواهیم مانند برخی به تبار و ویژگی‌های بدنی و زیست‌شناختی تاکید کنیم پژوهش‌های ژنتیکی ایرانیان آذربایجانی نشان داده است که این گروه ترک‌زبان نیز با دیگر ایرانیان مانند کردها و لران و اصفهانیان و تهرانیان و … Joined.

Comparison and ranking Persian and Turkish
A few years ago one of the magazines Pantrk Iran called "Hope Branch" foolish and Bypayhay claims raised and without giving evidence who wrote the Declaration of UNESCO as "thirty-three languages ​​Arabic, Persian dialect is". This statement is so absurd and baseless and no need to explain the alleged chicken looks funny. Little understanding of language and linguistics who is intelligent and understands that know different languages ​​and dialects of Arabic language and the two languages ​​are very different and distinct. And because most skeletal elements of a language and its grammar and syntax of the Arabic language is very different from. The narrator claims that it does not understand language and has no knowledge of Arabic language.

Even assuming the language is impossible to quote them "dialects" of Arabic language is. Meaning 'the thirty-third dialect, "What?

Interestingly, the other in the same statement, "the Turkish language regular language Third World" has been introduced! باز باید پرسید رتبه‌بندی زبان‌ها بر چه پایه‌ای انجام می‌شود؟ معیارها و ملاک‌های این رتبه‌بندی چیست؟ دو زبان باقاعده‌ی دیگر دنیا کدام اند؟ زبان چهارم و پنجم باقاعده کدام است؟ منظور از زبان باقاعده چیست؟ کلاً چند زبان باقاعده در جهان وجود دارد؟

یا گروه دیگری نوشتند که

موسسه‌ی ائی.ام. تی و آ.ام.تی – که در اروپا و آمریکا واقع شده و تحت مدیریت برجسته‌ترین زبان‌شناسان اداره می‌شود و همه ساله گزارش‌های زیادی را درباره‌ی زبان‌ها منتشر می‌کنند و کلیه‌ی استانداردهای زبان‌شناسی از این ادارات که دولتی هستند، اعلام می‌شود – چنین اعلام کرده‌اند:

- 92% of Arabic and Persian words were Turkish and the rest formula produced no.
- In any international languages ​​there is no word from Persian.
– جملات فارسی ۶۷ درصد ابهام تولید می‌کنند (That is a foreigner who learned Farsi, Iran can hardly speak or understand Persian words unless it has long been in the community and learn empirically) This is a pretty big weakness in.

But on the other hand:
- 100% original words of Turkic origin.
- 2% of Turkish words of Italian, French and English has been.
- 19% of English words have been taken from Turkish.
- 39% of Italian words, 17% and 9% of French words, German words taken from Turkish.
- 100% of the words in English, German, French and Turkish depth their morphological.
– ۸۳ درصد کلمات انگلیسی ریشه‌ی اصلی دارند.
– جملات ترکی ۲ درصد ابهام جمله‌ای ایجاد می‌کنند (یعنی اگر یک خارجی زبان ترکی را از روی کتاب یاد بگیرد، پس از ورود به یک کشور ترک زبان مشکلی نخواهد داشت)
– جملات انگلیسی نیم درصد و جملات فرانسوی تقریبا ۱ درصد ابهام تولید می‌کنند.

معنای این ادعاها آن است که از هر ۱۰ واژه در زبان انگلیسی دو تای آنها ترکی است و از هر ۱۰ واژه در زبان ایتالیایی ۴ تای آنها ترکی است! این که کلمه‌ای ریشه‌ی اصلی دارد یعنی چه؟ نویسنده حتا حساب ساده هم بلد نیست. اگر ۸۳ درصد واژه‌های انگلیسی ریشه‌ی اصلی دارند و ۱۹ درصد آنها از زبان ترکی گرفته شده‌اند آنگاه جمع این دو می‌شود ۱۰۲ درصد!

این ادعاهای احمقانه و مسخره تنها نشان‌دهنده‌ی عمق بی‌سوادی و درماندگی نویسندگان آن و شدت دشمنی هیستیریک و روان‌پریشانه‌ی آنان نسبت به زبان پارسی است. این ادعاها درباره‌ی زبان ترکی تا آنجا پیش می‌رود که می‌نویسد:

[این موسسه‌ها] زبان ترکی را شاهکار زبان معرفی کرده‌اند که برای ساخت آن از فرمول‌های بسیار پیچیده‌ای استفاده شده است. خانم «نیکیتا هایدن» متخصص و زبان‌شناس مشهور آلمانی در موسسه‌ی اروپایی «یوروتوم» گفته است: "Humans were not able to produce this language at that time, and space creatures created this language, or God gave his prophets the most excellent language of communication.".

انگار زبان ماده‌ی شیمیایی است که برای ساختن آن از فرمول‌های پیچیده استفاده شود!

Language being imposed on Iran.
ادعای دیگر پان‌ترکان این است که زبان پارسی در ایران از زمان رضا شاه پهلوی رسمی شده است و پیش از آن کسی زبان پارسی را نمی‌دانسته و از زمان رضا شاه مردم مجبور شدند که پارسی یاد بگیرند. این افراد که نیازی به سند و مدرک و تاریخ معتبر ندارند و هرگاه که سند بخواهند خودشان جعل می‌کنند یا اگر سندی تاریخ مخالف آنان باشند آن را تحریف می‌کنند این اندازه بی‌سوادند که نمی‌دانند «رسمی شدن» زبان پارسی به صورت قانونی در قانون اساسی مشروطه در زمان مظفرالدین شاه قاجار بوده است. Otherwise, the prevalence of the Persian language as the national and common language of all the inhabitants of the land of Iran throughout history is clear and known from the multitude of books, treatises and writings produced in the corners of the land of Iran, from Mian-Rudan to the borders of Indochina..

این پان‌ترکان که حافظه‌ی خوبی هم ندارند از سوی دیگر وقتی نیاز به افتخار به ترکان باشد فرمانروایان ترک را رواج‌دهندگان زبان پارسی در همه‌ی ایران می‌دانند!

در کنار این ادعای تحمیلی بودن زبان پارسی از زمان رضا شاه، پان‌ترکان ادعا می‌کنند که زبان ترکی در سراسر ایران از گذشته‌های بسیار دور رواج داشته و در آذربایجان به چند هزار سال پیش از میلاد هم می‌رسد! Even some Bakvnshynan say that the Avesta is written in ancient Turkish! It also shows the ridiculous claim that they have no knowledge or understanding of language and linguistics and the history of topics and categories are.

Education only in Turkish
Another issue that Pantrkan of the feud with the language – In particular, along with the "International Day of native language" – The training is presented only in Turkish. Earlier, in particular the query I wrote a few months ago to coincide with the occasion and will not repeat here. But the issue is that they want to be taught only in Turkish and Persian language altogether aside. حال آن که در هر کشوری در دنیا آموزش به زبان مادری در کنار زبان ملی و رسمی آن کشور است نه جایگزین آن.

More claims and their responses can be found in Zrgshnsp Database Read.

اما بگذارید به موردی بپردازم که یکی از خوانندگان برایم فرستاده و به تازگی آن را دیدم و به گمانم در آذرگشنسپ نباشد.

- And now: Being a foreign language in Derry!
But what is more interesting is that one of these pan-Turks, by mixing dry and wet together and distorting and misunderstanding some linguistic and historical data, has claimed that the Persian language did not have roots in Iran and entered Iran from outside and is a foreign and immigrant language altogether..

نوشتار او آن قدر طولانی و پر از یاوه و سخنان باطل است که تنها به چند مورد آن اشاره می‌کنم.

اگر فارسی دری در تداوم زبان پهلوی بود چرا تا قرن هفتم هجری حتی یک بیت شعر در منطقه‌ی استان فارس – که مسکن اصلی فارس‌زبانان است – به فارسی دری سروده نشده است و یک سطر نثر به زبان دری تا قرن هفتم هجری در این مناطق نوشته نشده است؟! While in other areas, especially areas where royalty and state institutions that were put in plenty of Dari (Persian) We like the Tajiks, Afghanistan's central Ghazni and Iraqi governments and Samani Ajam (Central area of ​​the city of Ray, Qom, Kashan, Arak, Iran) The center of the Seljuk!

I do not know how this person could be in a band that's all bunk together!

1.- Borders of Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran in the past, a large part of their.

2.- فارس نام استانی است و نام زبان پارسی یا فارسی است. پس باید گفت «فارسی‌زبان» نه فارس‌زبان. چه کسی گفته استان فارس مسکن اصلی فارس‌زبانان است؟ آیا منظور این جمله آن است که همه‌ی کسانی که در ایران به زبان پارسی سخن می‌گویند اصل‌شان از استان فارس است؟

3.- دولت‌های سامانی و غزنوی و سلجوقی در دنباله‌ی هم بودند نه همزمان. قلمرو سامانیان شامل تاجیکستان و افغانستان امروزی و بخش‌هایی از شرق ایران امروزی بود. سپس بخش‌هایی از این سرزمین‌ها به دست غزنویان افتاد و پس از آن سلجوقیان بر آن حاکم شدند. سلجوقیان غرب ایران (عراق عجم) را هم به قلمرو خود افزودند.

۴- باید به این نویسنده یادآوری کرد که پیش از سده‌ی هفتم هجری نه چاپخانه وجود داشته و نه اینترنت که نویسندگان آثار خود را منتشر کنند و به دست همه برسانند! در گذشته به خاطر شرایط اجتماعی اگر کتابی نوشته می‌شد و به فرمانروایی و مرکز حکومتی تقدیم نمی‌شد احتمال از میان رفتن آن بسیار بود. مانند امروز نبود که ناشران مستقلی باشند و ده هزار جلد از هر کتاب چاپ و منتشر کنند! Even if a book was kept in the libraries, the same Turks who are known as Pan-Turks would destroy them in their raids and raids..

5- استان فارس مدتی مرکز حکومت آل بویه بود. این دولت به ویژه در دوران پناه خسرو (فناخسرو) عضدالدوله در آبادانی فارس بسیار کوشید و دربار آنان مرکز دانشمندان و نویسندگان بزرگ بود. The Consolidated Abvhyan descent who was born in Baghdad, Shiraz and Shiraz Zdaldvlh back in time, where he wrote several books in Arabic. The Baghdad government Alebouyeh Gulf to compete with most of the authors was supported Rbynvys.

۶- Pantrkan the literary and historical literacy is not the only province to have heard the name of Saadi and Hafiz. It had previously been numerous writers and poets Saadi Province. One example is the book "Farsnamh" of Abnblkhy named the pedigree of Balkh, but he was born in the Gulf. His 180-page book in about 500 BC. The Persian language has written. Or it can be mentioned that the great mystic, Sheikh Ruzbahan Bagli famous and in 552 BC. And attracts people born in the holy city. Has written numerous books in Arabic and Persian Sheikh Ruzbahan. His English books include Jerusalem, including the dissertation, Ghltat Alsalkyn, and as mentioned Shhtyat. This is a quatrain of Sheikh Ruzbahan:

Your heart is hot, and not of Bfrvkhtmy ————– To see you, or else Brdvkhtmy
John your home, around nine days Sdbar ———- Because of you, Sepand Brsvkhtmy

(Some books can Roozbehan Sheikh "Sufism Library» Read)

So we see more than one line of English prose before the door of the province belongs to the seventh century Saadi and persists. Pantrk author himself ignorance interpretation has no effect.

But the advent of the big stars that Saadi and Hafez Persian poets and writers will forget the name of the province in the People's. Even the name is forgotten contemporaries, these two are also among ordinary people. But the biography books in Persian literature are well known among experts as Majd convergence and Imam Sa'di Shirazi, who were competing. Even Hammam Tabrizi (Along with Sadi) Also while the ruler's court in Shiraz, Fars, and perhaps in this era is written, including failure to:

Hammam is also cute sayings ———– What is the benefit of the poor Shirazi

این نویسنده اگر از بحث‌های زبان‌شناسی آگاهی می‌داشت می‌دانست که کسی پارسی دری را فرزند مستقیم و جایگزین زبان پهلوی ساسانی و در ادامه‌ی آن نمی‌داند. As the name suggests Dari Persian court language was the official language and writing. Just as written language, spoken today by people of Tehran, Isfahan and Kerman, Mashhad and Tabriz differed. Even Dehkhoda culture - that is text linguistics - the entry "door" reads:

Iranian literary dialect – The mid-third century AD onward spread of the Persian Dari or Pashto or Farsi is renowned - not just from the Middle Persian (Sassanid Pahlavi) دانست بلکه در اساس یک لهجه‌ی عمومی ادبی است که در اواخر عهد ساسانی و قرن‌های اولیه‌ی اسلامی در ایران شیوع داشت و تحت تاثیر و تاثر متقابل لهجه‌های رسمی دوره‌ی اشکانی (Party) And Sasanian (Persian) In each of the local dialects gradually become almost stable, and has achieved the Board in writing. … The language is pure syntax near the southern side (Middle Persian) Because there was a lot of influence from the ancient Khorasan dialects and some dialects it is evident in the east, and the eastern dialect was not considered as well as the influence of the southern side (Middle Persian) And western dialects it is considerably. … The general language of the door saying "Allsan Lanha Alzy Tktb the Epistles Sultan and Trf Alqss extreme value, and Ashtqaqh my door Ho Elder and the median Alklam Alzy Ytklm Ali door" [= Indeed, the language in which they wrote letters to the king and be paid stories of the root of the "in" means the court is that the court used the word.]

The author Pantrk new discovery has taken the curtain of the secret that was put in front of their claim. Who would not hide it.

This document is distorted Pantrk as other friends and Shrykansh:

Ibn al-Nadim in his book "Fihrist" Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa rely on their door courtly language and linguistics from the east and from Khorasan and Balkh … Is known.

Here halved and the score was quoted as saying by Ibn Nadim was just looking for a specific purpose. Do people not Iranian Khorasan and Khorasan native language is not that he knows is separated from Iran? However the word has quoted Ibn Muqaffa that is Abnndym:

According to Ibn al-Muqaffa: Iranian languages ​​such as Pahlavi, Dari, Persian, and Syriac Khvzy. Besides attributed to Pelé (Vhlh) It is a name that refers to the five cities of the: Isfahan, Ray, Hamadan, months Skinheads and Azerbaijan. But Dari-speaking cities of Ctesiphon, and those who have settled in the court of the king would speak attributed to capital [= About] است و از زبان اهل خراسان و مشرق، زبان اهل بلخ در آن غلبه دارد، و اما فارسی مورد تکلم موبدان و علما و مانند ایشان است، و آن زبان مردم فارس است. Khvzy language of Khuzestan …»

It is clear that from the point of view of linguistics, Syriac language is not a family of Iranian languages, but Ibn Muqfa' means the languages ​​that were spoken in Iran, and some people of Ashuristan province or Mianrodan spoke Syriac language..

This statement is also clearly demonstrates that the side door of Sassanian times together were not in time sequence. Ibn Muqaffa's Dari-speaking people and the court of Ctesiphon (The official languages) According to the language of the dominant people of Khorasan, Khorasan native language is not that. Dari has nothing to do Seljuk Turkish Sultans' Center Seljuk rule "does not.

جالب آن که در این میان نامی از ترکی نیست و زبان مردم آذربایجان را فهلوی/پهلوی دانسته است و از سخن ابن مقفع روشن می‌شود که اگر قرار است در ایران زبانی بیگانه و مهاجر باشد این زبان ترکی است که زبانی مهاجر و بیگانه است نه زبان پارسی دری. The author has deleted this part is Pantrk.

After all bunk and to deem himself a door slamming language, in line with the strategy of the previous part, now comes the praise of the Turkish language is:

If we say in Turkish and Azerbaijani Turkish thousand years ago and continues today in the book "Dedekorkut" is next to impossible due to the master's famous "Hi Hydrbabayh" – Today is the Turkish – Thousands of years before the Turkish language, the language Dedekorkut Mnzvmhay compose the Court in this language is!

The Master's in addition to Turkish, Persian language - which is separate and different from the Turkish language - the Court has set a poem, as well as two separate language Dari Persian poet Saadi Shirazi (Language of the court) And side (The main language of the indigenous people of the Gulf) The Court has set!

اگر زبان دری ادامه‌ی زبان پهلوی یا فهلوی مردم شیراز و دیگر شهرهای استان فارس بوده، چرا سعدی شیرازی در قرن هفتم هجری همزمان با زبان دری، به فهلوی یا پهلوی که صدها سال هم تحت تأثیر زبان دری بوده شعر سروده است؟

There are several branches of Oghuz Turkic languages ​​such as Turkish and Uyghur and Qipchaq. Language Chghtayy (chaghatai) Conformance to Alisher Ali (Died 900 BC. / 1501 m.) Speaking today it has gone. Terms of Iranian Azerbaijan and the Caucasus and Anatolia Turkish Oghuz groups, the Uyghur Uzbek branch of the. Group Qipchaq Qyrqyzstan and Kazakhstan in common. So it is not clear to him from the "Turkish thousand years ago," which is Turkish. Turkish version of history for thousands of years does not. I'm sure that's not the only master of Turkish, Iranian, Turkish writers who have Trktbar – Even if they want to - not thousand years ago is becoming songs in Turkish, let alone that the Court did not order.

The difference between the Turkish and Persian Pahlavi and Dari Do not Like. While the Golestan of Saadi just a bit closer to twenty bits in one piece macaronic (Colored) به پارسی و عربی و پهلوی لهجه‌ی شیرازی دارد نه این که یک دیوان به دری و یک دیوان به پهلوی داشته باشد.

He does not know the proper historical education for today's political boundaries were new and did not exist until the nineteenth century, or even the twentieth century:

دری و یا فارسی دری زبانی است متفاوت از پهلوی و متعلق به تاجیک‌ها و افغان‌ها که به وسیله‌ی سلاطین ترک وارد ایران و سایر مناطق تحت حاکمیت آنان از جمله هندوستان و پاکستان و حتی ترکیه عثمانی شده است؛ لاکن زبان ترکی و بعضی از زبان‌های دیگر در مقابل آن مقاومت نشان داده و بر حیات خود ادامه داده‌اند ولی زبان پهلوی پارسیان نتوانسته در مقابل آن ایستادگی کند و در داخل آن مستحیل شده و از بین رفته است که آثار آن هنوز هم در بعضی شهرها و روستاهای دور افتاده‌ی مناطق فارس‌نشین باقی مانده است.

His political boundaries of today have been Seljuk times, and wants people to the people of Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan isolate the Iranian Azeri Turks of Turkey and the Caucasus bond. He knows that Pakistan as a country that the 1948 establishment. / 1327 H. India has emerged as the earlier part of. Thus the "Turkish Sultans" Dari able to take Pakistan!

نویسنده با این جمله می‌خواهد تکلیف زبان ترکی را هم روشن کند که زبان ترکی از قدیم در ایران بوده و در برابر گسترش زبان فارسی دری – که آن هم از تاجیکستان و افغانستان و به دست سلاطین ترک وارد ایران شده! - Resistance to the Pahlavi language - the language of the Persians - did not resist and was integrated! Above we have shown that all these claims are baseless. Ibn Muqaffa had said that the side of the Azerbaijani language and Ray and Hamadan, and Skinheads are. Language of the Persian Gulf Province, said the official language of Ctesiphon and the "door".

What should be asked in the court of the Seljuk Turkish, Byzantine and Ottoman court did not resist long Dari Persian court language was their office? : The Turkish Sultans in their language! But it must be asked whether the Turkish Sultans were not interested, or jealous or sensitivity on the development of their native language and the language of "Tajiks and Afghans" in Iran and India. (Pakistan!) Even the Ottoman Empire expanded?! Interestingly, his colleagues in Stalin's time in Tajikistan claimed "Azbkany Tajiks are the main languages ​​in their relations with Iran and the Persian forgotten"!

If Sassanid Persian language Dari languages ​​would continue, speaking and Farsydanan it's not hard to read and understand the meaning of Sassanid Pahlavi language and then have. As Trkzbanan Azerbaijani and Turkish-language reading and understanding the book "Dedekorkut" – Which corresponds to a hundred thousand and two hundred years ago and today Azerbaijan and Turkey's Turkish language. – And are more difficult to find books for their meaning is clear.

He thought of muddy water that fish catch. کتاب دده قورقود کتابی است که به گفته‌ی ترک‌شناسان بزرگی چون واسیلی بارتولد روس و جفری لوییس انگلیسی در سده‌ی پانزدهم میلادی و در زمان حکومت آق‌قویون‌لو یعنی تنها پانصد سال پیش نوشته شده است و تا سده‌ی نوزدهم میلادی کسی از این کتاب خبر نداشت تا این که یک خاورشناس آن را در کتابخانه‌ای پیدا کرد و به زبان‌های اروپایی ترجمه کرد. So today the Turks and Azeris in Iran – Especially as the "Turkish reforms" at the time Atatürk – The instructions say not understand each other well (However, those with free money from Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey, where he studied and do not separate these things do not work. Nowadays, satellites and Turkish Delight Bakouee new generation of young Caucasian Azerbaijani Turkish language and also understand line). Even the name of the book in Turkish "Dedekorkut" and the Turkish "Dede Kvrkvt" said!

اگر زبان پهلوی مادر زبان فارسی دری به حساب می‌آمد دیگر نیازی نبود از زبان پهلوی همطراز و برابر با زبان فارسی و موازی با آن نامی برده شود و نام این دو زبان در کنار هم بیاید!

We say that there is no basis for the claim, and the two were together in. But if the language is Dari maternal side of the argument is what?

Another example of distortion can be seen in the quoted words of Professor Saeed Nafisi:

Late Saeed Nafisi tells about the origins of Persian language Dari: "Dari poetry and prose to the court of the Samanids was born Mavralnhr"

Here we speak of poetry and prose literature, the door is not the door itself in Transoxiana "invented" and others have "exported" to be.

He quotes also a bit confused and incomplete translation of Hafiz – Shirazi dialect that is – Trying to mislead the reader:

And a bit of Hafez:
"We have to wake John compensation Bsprymn ————– He is preparing a self Rvshty "
The: Compensation will be – We saw Byrvshy.

While this bit is properly:

The compensation Pymachan Bsprymn ———— He Ghrt a Rvshty of the Day

This means that if you have a Byrvshy (Vulgarity) We view the dues and fines will Paymachan.
Gareth is the same as if you Ghrt. Rvsht the same way. As the stew is stew. In one of the folk songs we hear:
Welcome Tailor see Brecht oh ————- But oh stew over rice

Dehkhoda culture says about Paymachan:

Paymacan: Paymacu. Pymacan. Kfshkn. Soles row. Portal.
"The so-called Sufis and dervishes line and draw the congregation of God, which is Kfshkn such that if one of them is guilt him into the ranks of God – که مقام غرامت است – به یک پای بازدارند و او هر دو گوش خود را چپ و راست بر دست گیرد یعنی گوش چپ را به دست راست و گوش راست را به دست چپ گرفته چندان بر یک پای بایستد که پیر و مرشد عذر او را بپذیرد و از گناهش درگذرد» (The decisive argument)
The wife wanted to chew up the air line ——- I hand-lined Afkndm Paymachansh (Khaghani)

Of course, these are only a few paragraphs of a long article and the first part of the words of this pan-Turkic author, and in the next part, he probably wants to say that the people of Tajikistan and Afghanistan are "Turks" and the Dari language is actually one of the branches of the "Turkic" language, and that is why the language Turkish in Iran was able to resist and not become impossible in the Pahlavi language.

Balkhi Rumi's son, Sultan Valad Sorry to have to say:
Oil Jvshydhand maniacs bent Nvshydhand —- Pantrk pure reason and the sides have been


An example of the distortions that continue to be published on the Internet

جایگاه زبان ترکی جعل از توحید ملکزاده دیلمقانی

Forging the unity of the Turkish Malikzada Dylmqany

جایگاه زبان ترکی جعل از توحید ملکزاده دیلمقانی

Forging the unity of the Turkish Malikzada Dylmqany

جایگاه زبان ترکی جعل از توحید ملکزاده دیلمقانی

Forging the unity of the Turkish Malikzada Dylmqany

جایگاه زبان ترکی جعل از توحید ملکزاده دیلمقانی

Forging the unity of the Turkish Malikzada Dylmqany

جایگاه زبان ترکی جعل از توحید ملکزاده دیلمقانی

Forging the unity of the Turkish Malikzada Dylmqany

جایگاه زبان ترکی جعل از توحید ملکزاده دیلمقانی

Forging the unity of the Turkish Malikzada Dylmqany


15 Reply to Pan Dari Persian and Turkish origin lies

  • HHHH says:

    It is enough that she was speaking Farsi in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan hundred percent of the people in these countries do not speak Farsi ( I do not know of Tajikistan ) But Turkish is the official language in seven countries, and at least 40% of Turks in Iran and Georgia 25 100 Turks in Germany, if you know Turkish, you will get rid of your guilt. We don't need to beat Persian.

  • Leave says:

    Just tell them to leave the last words I paint the other

  • Said says:

    Thank you for all the clarification of the… I quit pan that Transport lie Nbatshvnh

  • Ataturk says:

    Bedanid s Aban Farsi va on Parsis, BE zoodi mahdood BE Kavir Iran va afghanestano tajikestan khahad rally.
    Torki in Orchester program dar mahlate Tork Neshir iran be gooshe shoma khahadresid va to az sabk shenasi hich nemidani, badbakht shoma neveshtanetoon Ham k Hamu arabiyie oil Avaz chera az Orchester Arabi shoma nefrat Daridu flt mohaserei hastid dots baradare doshman.
    eu drink sooye hazfe Lahj zeshte Farsi az iran

    • Children's says:

      آخه احمق تو که فرق بین زبان و گویش و لهجه رو نمی دونی خیلی غلط می کنی در باره زبان پارسی اظهار نظر می کنی شما ها بزرگترین افتخارتون چنگیز خونخواره و خودتو نو گرگ زاده می دونید بیشتر از این انتظار نمی ره.در ضمن احمق به این زبانی که باهاش پیام دادی میگن پارسی تو اگه خیلی به زبونتون افتخار میکردی ترکی پیام میدادی . Toward Persian glory

  • Ali says:

    Well you can even learn another language like Hindi satellite!!!!!!

  • mehrdade bakhtiari says:

    Not a guy like that my ancestors were Yvtab Ariobarzanes girl to like you the way to the left of the pan Bstnd.shma Alexander Gjstk Vspahsh… spur of the H or D in your way beg for Europe and Khvdshyryny're Better.

  • Children's says:

    Iranian men who I Milk Race Jvnshvn Vtnshvn a way to not leave the race of bloodthirsty wolves(I mean, people do not Bayyjan December ) Mercy even to each other, they do not leave the pan issue is not on the history and the honor of their big jealous Let's hope the success of the Iranian.

  • R. Mdyatk says:

    1-Thank God, I live in Tabriz, most cultured families speak Farsi with their children and are proud of this.
    2-It is not possible to write a Turkish sentence without using Persian words
    3-over 70 100% of Turkish people's names are Persian or Arabic

  • A. Ghazi Thgyn says:

    1 ) More family in Tabriz upstart that the borrower Kmrshvn bent weird, but they speak Farsi . Neighborhoods of Tehran, the old neighborhoods there like Lklr, where Persian Mqsvdyh etc. If you talk … .
    2 ) Ulan Ghzy Qaryn GۈJۈNh Danyshyr .
    3 ) It is true 70% The names in Turkish are in Arabic or Persian, but it should be clarified that from this 70% , 98% Arabic and only 2% It is Farsi .

    • admin says:

      Finally come to terms with the borrower or his back bent? … They say neighborhoods uncultured because no sane person would, to speak another language, … Tabriz is not only the Turks Kvltvrmnd. در مورد آمار واژه های فارسی و عربی در زبان ترکی هم هر وقت سندی یا مرجع معتبری آوردی می توانی چنین ادعایی کنی ما در همین وبسایت چند سند از زبانشناسان شناخته شده نشان دادیم که خلاف گفته ی شما است.

  • to old says:

    Farr S. National Dance Why not? . Fares are not . The barking Knykm.

    • admin says:

      این حرفها برای بوزقورتهای استادیوم تراختور خوب است اما اینجا واقعا طرفدار ندارد ترکان حداقل صد سال است که کارشان دزدی از تمدن دیگران است همان کاری که قبلا در تجارت می کردند را حالا برای تمدن سازی می کنند و جالب تر اینکه دیگران را هم به همان متهم می کنند. ترکان نه چیزی که بشود نامش را ادبیات گذاشت تولید کردند، نه رقص و موسیقی دارند و نه در طول تاریخشان چیزی به دانش بشر افزودند که امروز برایش طلبکار باشند.

      This is also the history of dance and music

      Unlike the pan-Turkic these bullshit articles and can be invoked at any university

  • sina says:

    vaqean azat mamnoooonam,kheil key to financing the goli. then I mikhuna stable dars.
    hichvaqt RuZe to fk k of crude nmikarda Besh te tue keshvar to my Lazear khodam,My little zabi that madara to bkha in RASM khodam time to keshvar’ konam,unam sare class and adabiat and be.
    ta'asob them now to b hich vajh qabele qabul nis.ta'asob haii k Age jolosh gerefte nashe barkhorde qate’ Nashe bahash tafraqe Iyad mikone.
    az haminja Azat tashakor mikonam or by Azat ejaze migiram by your Class II or baqie dare 3farsi Zaba on cabbage(and on tork) estefade konam.

  • N Goudarzi says:

    These Pan-Turkists are either liars or illiterate .