Posts Tagged ‘زبان پارسی

Iran, or Khorasan

Shahrbaraz article link from the Sassanid Khosrow I, especially since Anoushiravan, Iranshahr East region, "the Coast Khvrasan" and said that Khvrasan means where the sun is the same as the East or East. It tells the story of Vis and Ramin Fakhruddin As'ad Gorgan: زبان پهلوی هر کو شناسد ——— Khorasan is the co […]

Pan Dari Persian and Turkish origin lies

(The article was added images Shhrbraz. همینطور بنگرید به جایگاه زبان ترکی و زبان فارسی لهجه سی و سوم زبان عربی.) Bond paper Shhrbraz the language of cementing agents Iranians throughout history - especially after the advent of Islam - is Iran's enemies secessionist recently […]

Comparison of Farsi and Arabic in terms of ability

Authors : دکتر محمود حسابی در تاريخ جهان، هر دوره‌اي ويژگي‌هايي داشته است. در آغاز تاريخ، آدميان زندگي قبيله‌اي داشتند و دوران افسانه‌ها بوده است. پس از پيدايش کشاورزي، دوره ده‌نشيني و شهرنشيني آغاز شده است. سپس دوران کشورگشايي‌ها و تشکيل پادشاهي‌هاي بزرگ مانند پادشاهي‌‌هاي هخامنشيان و اسکندر و امپراتوري رم بوده است. پس از […]

“Analogy Alghtyn” No misfortune knowledge base

“Analogy Alghtyn” No misfortune knowledge base. Wanted to book a pan Trkystha “Analogy Alghtyn” Bring misfortune and that claims to the top of the Persian language is Turkish.! We looked at the translation of the book into English (Because Jghtayy a dead language is Turkish and Turkish languages (And […]

"Measuring Algtیn" No misfortune knowledge base

“Analogy Alghtyn” No misfortune knowledge base. Wanted to book a pan Trkystha “Analogy Alghtyn” Bring misfortune and that claims to the top of the Persian language is Turkish.! We looked at the translation of the book into English (Because Jghtayy a dead language is Turkish and Turkish languages (And […]