Posts Tagged ‘جعل تاریخ

Book distortions "in Turkish," Professor Evan Siegel Kasravi translation

نشانی مقاله ی کامل نویسنده : Ali Dvstzadh an anti-Iranian doctor Pantrkystha a forum in which to insert a piece of Ahmad Kasravi cut and obvious distortions seen. Distorted version of the article Pantrkysty we joined with the correct translation of an American scholar. An article in The American Scholar […]

On the left of the Scythians and R. !

According to historical documents, in the 7th and 8th centuries AD to the 2nd century AD, the Altai Turks did not exist anywhere else except in the north of China and in the Gobi desert. Assyria and even the western parts of Asia invaded the shores of the Mediterranean and the Medes fought with them. Later, Cyrus and Darius fought with them many times. […]