آیا گویشوران زبان‌های ایرانی چند قوم هستند؟

پیوند به مقاله ی اصلی

As it was shown, the speakers of ancient Madi, Persian, Parthian, etc. languages ​​always themselves “Aryans”(Iranian) Referred to. The current language of the Iranian branch of the Northwest ( The sample period is the middle Parsy ) And Southwest (The sample period is the middle of the Persian Sassanid) and these two languages ​​were very close to each other.

If we look at some other groups, maybe the above question will be solved. The Chinese have different dialects and languages ​​but from the same root. Languages ​​like Cantonese- Mandarin-Taiwanese-Hui-Wu- Jin-Ping…All languages ​​are Chinese(And despite having the same root, they are so similar to each other that the speaker of one Chinese language cannot understand it.) But they are all Chinese people. In China, there are other ethnic groups that are not part of the Chinese ethnic group, such as Mongols, Uighurs, and Tajiks (Hub) و غیره.

Also, in relation to Arab countries, this is enough, Moroccan Arabic is very different from Iraqi Arabic and is not understandable. But since Arabic languages ​​have a common root, these people are also known as Arabs.

But in relation to Iranians, we return to this statement of Abu Rihan Biruni and Masoudi:

Abu al-Hasan Masoudi writes in al-Tanbiyyah and al-Ashraf:«پارسیان قومی بودند که قلم‌روشان دیار جبال بود از ماهات و غیره و آذربایجان تا مجاور ارمنیه و اران و بیلقان تا دربند که باب و ابواب است و ری و طبرستان و مسقط و شابران و گرگان و ابرشهر که نیشابور است و هرات و مرو و دیگر ولایت‌های خراسان و سیستان و کرمان و فارس و اهواز با دیگر سرزمین عجمان که در وقت حاضر به این ولایت‌ها پیوسته‌است، همهٔ این ولایت‌ها یک مملکت بود، پادشاه‌اش یکی بود و زبان‌اش یکی بود، فقط در بعضی کلمات تفاوت داشتند، زیرا وقتی حروفی که زبان را بدان می‌نویسند یکی باشد، زبان یکی است وگر چه در چیزهای دیگر تفاوت داشته باشد، چون پهلوی و دری و آذری و دیگر زبان‌های پارسی.»

Arabic origin:

فالفرس أمة حد بلادها الجبال من الماهات وغیرها وآذربیجان إلی ما یلی بلاد أرمینیة وأران والبیلقان إلی دربند وهو الباب والأبواب والری وطبرستن والمسقط والشابران وجرجان وابرشهر، وهی نیسابور، وهراة ومرو وغیر ذلک من بلاد خراسان وسجستان وکرمان وفارس والأهواز، وما اتصل بذلک من أرض الأعاجم فی هذا الوقت وکل هذه البلاد کانت مملکة واحدة ملکها ملک واحد ولسانها واحد، إلا أنهم کانوا یتباینون فی شیء یسیر من اللغات وذلک أن اللغة إنما تکون واحدة بأن تکون حروفها التی تکتب واحدة وتألیف حروفها تألیف واحد، وإن اختلفت بعد ذلک فی سائر الأشیاء الأخر کالفهلویة والدریة والآذریة وغیرها من لغات الفرس.

(Masoudi, Ali bin Hussein: Al-Tanbih wa’l-Ishraf, corrected by Abdullah Ismail al-Sawy, Cairo. 1357 Q.)

Abu Rihan Biruni considers Khwarazmi-speaking Iranians to be a branch of the stable tree of Persians:“And as for the people of Khwarezm, even if they were a branch of the Persians’ tree”(و مردم خوارزم٬ آنها شاخه‌ای از درخت استوار پارسیان (Hub) Are.)

منبع: Al-Athar Al-Baqiyyah on Al-Qurun Al-Khaliya, Abu Rihan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Biruni (۳۶۲ – 440 A.H)-Investigation and suspension: Parviz Azkaei-publisher: Written Heritage-First Edition: Summer 1380

Therefore, Abu Rihan Biruni, whose mother tongue was Khwarazmi, considers himself a branch of Iranians. The Khwarazmi language is one of the Eastern Iranian languages, and therefore it is very different from any other language in Iran. Because the languages ​​in Iran are all (Except Pashto) They are among the western Iranian languages. That is, the difference between the Khwarazmi language and the Farsi-Dari language is greater than any existing Iranian language in present-day Iran with Farsi-Dari. But Abu Rihan Biruni considers Iranian-speaking Khorezmians to be part of the stable tree of Iranians.

For more information about the Kharazmi language:


Encyclopedia Iranica, “The Chorasmian Language”, D.N.Mackenzie

and here:


and here:

C.E. Bosworth, “Khwarazm” Encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by: P. Bearman , Th. Bianquis , C.E. Bosworth , E. of Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Brill, 2007. Brill Online

With this description, Abu Rihan al-Biruni also considers the Khwarazmians to be a branch of Iranians. Masoudi in several Iranian languages ​​such as Pahlavi (اشکانی) And he mentions Azari, Fahlavi, Persian, Dari, etc., and considers the speakers of all these languages ​​to be part of the same Iranian people.. At the beginning of the article, we showed that the word “” It does not give the meaning of Farsi Dari speakers, but it has been a learning word for Iranian speakers. Until the time of Qajar in Iran, there were basically three Arab and Iranian peoples(Tat/Tajik) And Turkish is known.

اما هویت قوم ایرانی چیست؟

به اندیشه‌ی نگارنده مجموع زبان‌های ایرانی(که زبان فارسی‌دری جزو آن هست و نقش زبان مشترک را نیز بازی کرده است) و اسلام ایرانی(تصوف) و اسطوره‌های ایرانی(شاهنامه/اوستا..) و دین‌های ایرانی (زردشتی و میرایی و زوروانی..) و ادبیات‌ها به زبان‌های ایرانی و ادبیات شفاهی و موسیقی‌های زبان‌های ایرانی جزو میراث مشترک قوم ایرانی است. Also, the common history of these groups in a continuous land is also a part of this identity. The Sassanids and their dynasties ruled over the whole of Great Iran and even the Sassanid families after Islam in the north of Iran.(Tabaristan and Gilan) They also ruled. Some areas of Sasanian territory were also under the supervision of Sasanian princes, and for this reason, Sasanians were the emperors themselves (That is, the kings sang). The Sasanian provinces are all clear in Shapur's inscription, and with this description, Shapur made himself king “Iranians and non-Iranians” He knew that Iranians are the Iranian people. The Sassanid family was so influential that even Iranian-speaking groups(Like Al Boyeh and Samanians) and non-Iranian speaking like Ghaznavids, Seljuks and Sharvanshahs (Originally of Arab descent) They considered themselves to be of Sasanian descent. یک نگاه به جنبشهای ابومسلم خراسانی و مازیار و مرداویج و بابک و مقنعه و یعقوب و سربدران و جنبش شعوبیه ..نشانگر انست که هویت ایرانی پس از فروپاشی ساسانیان زنده بوده است و این هویت را میتوان در اشعار قطران تبریزی و شاهنامه‌ها به زبانهای کرمانجی و هورامی و لکی و لری.. And he saw Ferdowsi's Shahnameh.

Therefore, Iranian speakers and people of Iranian descent despite cultural diversity(Because of the vastness of Iran's Barzag Plateau) All are part of one Iranian nation, or according to the definition of Abu Rihan Biruni, a branch of the Tanwar tree of Iranians. As such description also applies to other ancient groups such as Chinese and Arabs. Therefore, our method of understanding should be based on native authors such as Abu Rihan Boruni and not new concepts created in the Soviet Union(Nation/ethnicity=speakers of a particular language). It is very normal for a nation to have several languages ​​of the same root, and for one language to make a separate nation is incompatible with the history of Iran.. In our opinion, and also Aburrehan Biruni and Masoudi.. Iranian speakers are one nation. Of course, there are other groups that can be said that this kind of perspiration does not apply to them. مانند اسلاوهای روس و لهستانی که با وجود زبان مشابهه دو تاریخ و اسطوره و ..متفاوت دارند. اما در مورد قوم ایرانی بنابر اسناد تاریخی، ما همان اساس چینی را با ایرانیان یکی یمدانیم.

branching and separating Iranian languages ​​from each other and each one as a nation or even a nation! There is no basis to separate the scientific and native Iranian and Iranian history (As it is not in the case of China) and finally to the drying of the branches from the main tree(Tanwar tree of Iranians) it leads. For example tats (Persian speakers) Arans were once abundant, and historians before the beginning of the Soviet Union estimate that there were about 130,000 of them per year 1880 mentioned. Today, however, instead of expanding, this number (That means it should be eight hundred thousand with natural growth) It has become less.

Also, taking several Iranian languages ​​and giving them different nicknames other than Iranian will only cause the withering of this Tanvar tree and has no scientific basis..

The truth is that Iranian-speaking people of Türkiye(Zazaha/Kurmanjha) and Syria, Iraq and Aran (Talshan/Tatas) and Uzbekistan (Tajiks) All of them are part of a common civilization and a common Iranian heritage, and all Iranians and Iranian speakers in Iran also have a common civilization heritage.. بنابراین پربار کردن و پویایی این تنوع فرهنگی در یک قوم ایرانی به نفع همه‌ی اعضای آن هستند و خشک شدن هرشاخه‌ای چه درون ایران و چه برون از کشور ایران به ضرر کل منافع ایرانیان تمام میشود.

This article also clearly showed that in Iran there is a tribe called Qom “Fares” There is not, but there is an Iranian people, some of whom speak Farsi-Dari. The Persian ethnic groups include Isfahani, Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Kashani, Dezfoli, Qazvin, Hamadan, Kerman and Yazdi…All are Iranian, as the ethnicity of the people of Lerzban, Kermanj, Lak, Kalhor, Goran, Talesh, Gilak, Tajik, Tat, Lar, etc. are all Iranian..

The sum of these languages ​​are the same branches of the Tanwar tree of Iranians(As Biruni also considers the Khwarazmi language to be a branch of this tree). As we have seen, once upon a time, other Iranian languages ​​were common even in Isfahan and Shiraz, and the reason for the spread of a common Iranian language called Farsi-Dari was due to the literary tradition of that language, which all the people of Iran (What about Khaqani from Sharvan, who was Iranian-speaking at that time, and what about Rodki in Bukhara, and what about Hafez in Shiraz.) and it was able to become the main language in many important historical cities.

Iranian people with the definition that we said, in our time according to their language dialects and geographical distribution (Both inside and outside the current Iranian borders) It has several branches based on language dialects: Persian, Baluch, Kalhar, Goran, Soran, Lak, Gill, Tat, Zaza, Tabri, Laristani, Lar and several other branches. All of these are therefore referred to as the Iranian people, who have a common linguistic and cultural origin and have been living in the land named after them since time immemorial. “Iran” They are called, they are growing. In our time, differences can be seen in Iranian dialects(Because of the vast plateau of Iran), and in each of these dialects, there are words that may have been abandoned in another dialect.. ولی همسانی آنها بقدری هست که مجموع این زبانها/گویشها جز خانواده‌ی ایرانی هستند و چنانکه مردم هرکدام از شاخه‌های قوم ایرانی در میان شاخه‌ی دیگر باشند، گویش‌شان آشنا خواهد بود و واژگانی که بکار میبرند، هرچند پاره‌ای از آنها در طرز بیان تفاوت آوایی نیز داشته باشند، ولی همان واژگان، با یک چرخش کوچک زبان، در شاخه‌های دیگر غالبا دیده میشود.

Therefore terms such as “Baloch people” “Lur” “Lak” “Kurdish people” “Folk Zaza” “Persian people” “Talysh people” “House slippers” “Tat people” “People Gilaks” “Folk Zaza” etc. are virtual and are promoted by circles for special purposes in this century. Baluch, Kurd, Larestani, Gilki, Tabari, Leki, Dari speakers of Iranian descent (which does not include all Dari speakers like Afghan Hazaras), Tajik, Goran, Soran, Zaza, Talesh, they are all among the great Iranian people with a common racial, linguistic and cultural root, with a common past of several thousand years, with common historical, mythological and cultural heritage, and common land heritage.. And none of them can be considered a separate and distinct nation from the Iranian nation. Just like Chinese or Arabs with different languages ​​are all part of one nation:



Despite the variety of Chinese languages, the Chinese today are considered one nation. قوم ایرانی هم با تاریخ و فرهنگ و اسطوره و زبان‌های یک ریشه..باید یک قوم واحد شناخته شود چنانکه بیرونی و مسعودی و متون قاجاریه و غیره نیز این نکته را گفته‌اند. تنوع فرهنگی در یک قوم هرگز به معنی آن نیست که باعث شود که چندقوم و چند ملت از آن بوجود آیند و چنین تعریقی در رابطه با قوم چینی یا ایرانی غیرقابل قبول و غیرتاریخی است و بیشتر این تعریف غرض سیاسی دارد.

In this regard, it is not bad to say that some other language groups, such as the Turkic speakers of Azerbaijan, originally had the roots of the Iranian language, but due to historical reasons, their language was transformed into Turkish, and today, some groups try to identify them as Turkish people, and another group as Iranian people.. But in relation to current Iranian speakers, there is no escape except the Iranian historical identity, and all Iranian speakers are actually a part of the Iranian nation, and although various parts have also been influenced by non-Iranian language groups. (They have also made an impact) But they kept their roots. یعنی آل‌بویه و سامانیان و ساسانیان و مادها و پارثها و فردوسی و ابن سینا و نظامی و حافظ و باباطاهر و مرداویژ و سهروردی و ملاپریشان..متعلق به تمامی ایرانیان امروزی هستند.

As we have shown, historical texts have mentioned the Tanwar tree of the Iranian people and its branches. The best birth certificate is the native birth certificate that Abu Rihan Biruni proposed and not foreign institutions that have no general knowledge of the history of this land.. ملتهای کهن مانند چینیها نیز همین گونه هستند و چندین زبان چینی(ماندرین و کانتونیس و وو وژین و مین و گان و هویی و پینگ غیره..) which is even more distant from Iranian languages/dialects, they are all part of the civilization of one Chinese nation. بنابراین تمدن ایرانی نیز شامل چند زبان ایرانی هست و تمامی مردمان این تمدن جزو همان قوم ایرانی هستند که امروز از کردهای سوریه تا تاجیکهای پامیر و چین ادامه دارد.

Therefore, those who tear the Iranian people apart and consider them separate are actually denying a great and true civilization, and some even create a nation/nation for a specific Iranian village and dialect.(I saw a page on a blog about Sivand Iranian language that claimed that). Such people are going astray because no linguistic group in Iran has a separate history and identity from the common Iranian identity, and any branch that is removed from the Iranian tree is detrimental to the entire civilization of Iran, and it can be resolved in other groups such as Arabs/Turks, or by not connecting with other civilizations of Iranians, it can be ruled and colonized by foreign countries.. و چنین ملت‌سازانی تنها دارند در ضعف و فروپاشی این قوم تاریخی ایرانی همت می‌کنند و امید است که با مقاله فوق، به اندازه‌ی کافی روشنگری شده است و نشان داده شده است که قوم ایرانی یک قوم واحد است با تنوع فرهنگی ولی همواره ریشه‌ی مشترک فرهنگی و زبانی و تاریخی و اسطوره‌ای و هیچ کدام از شاخه‌های آن را نمیتوان قوم یا تمدن جدایی دانست و تمامی گروه‌های ایرانی‌زبان تنها تیره‌هایی/شاخه‌هایی از قوم ایرانی میباشند یا همان شاخه‌ای از درخت تناور ایرانیان. Surely, the watering of these branches and their fruitfulness is for the benefit of this Tanavar tree and all Iranians, and each of its blossoms also belongs to this Tanavar tree of Iranians.. But this historical and real sense and mind as a single Iranian nation must be strengthened so that this ancient civilization can compete and progress with integrity in the future world.. As the Chinese were not fooled by the Soviet Union and Stalin, and for every Chinese language that is rooted in Chinese civilization(And they all come from the same root) They did not build a separate nation and today the Chinese are considered a cultural and economic superpower among all the nations of the world.

One last point is also necessary, and what is stated in this article has nothing to do with the definition of the Iranian nation or the Iranian people in the period after Reza Shah Pahlavi I, and basically that era has been misunderstood for political purposes, and readers can refer to these three articles/books for clarification and better understand the definition of nationalism in that era.:

Hamid Ahmadi- Modern state and Iranian peoples: Breaking the foundations of common paradigms in the book Modern State in Iran – to diligence: Dr. Rasool Afzali- Qom: Mofid University Publications, 1386, first edition


Dr. Touraj Atabaki Recasting Oneself, Rejecting the Other: Pan-Turkism and« Iranian Nationalism» Van Schendel, Willem(Editor). Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim World: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Labour in the Twentieth Century. London, , GBR: I. B. Taurus & Company, Limited, 2001


Pan-Turkism and Iran-Kaveh Bayat-Tehran: Fardis Danesh, Shirazeh Kitab Publishing and Research Company, 247-2386 + Nine pages



Of course, this point is also necessary that due to the lack of unity of the Iranian descendants and the disappearance of the Iranian governments, ancient Sogd and Khwarazm (Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan …) And Aran, Sharvan and Azarbaijan, the language of these regions changed from an Iranian language to a Turkish language. Such a trend in Talshi and Tati Aran in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Because of the anti-Iranian policies of the Soviet Union and Turkists) we saw.

In the end, in this article, it was proved that we have an Iranian people or an Iranian tree with many branches. And the separation of each of the branches is not in the interest of any branch or group of the Iranian people, and the dynamics of all the branches and Iranian civilization is in the interest of all Iranians, so that they can compete culturally, economically, and security with the great countries of the world in the future, and at the same time think about the education and improvement of the whole human being and human civilization.. If the mentality of the branches of the Iranian nation becomes such that we have hundreds of tribes and nations, the Iranian civilization will certainly collapse in the future.. Our Iranian ancestors, Iranians, never had such a thought, and they never considered themselves as a separate nation because of a special dialect, and they always considered their ethnicity to be Iranian, and they knew that they came from a common source of language, culture, mythology, and civilization, and the diversity in this culture and civilization of the Iranian nation caused “Hundreds of peoples and nations” It is not, but it indicates the dynamism and strength of a civilization. Therefore, Iranians should think like the ancient nations, like the Chinese, and one day we hope that Iran will progress like today's China..

the attachment:

Articles related to the Aryan people(Iranian):


Ethnic-Aryan – Darius Kiyani

Paul, Ludwig (1998a). The position of Zazaki among West Iranian languages. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Iranian Studies, 11-15.09.1995, Cambridge, Nicholas Sims-Williams (ed.), 163-176. Wiesbaden: Reichert



Arya-H. Bailey- Encyclopedia Iranica


G. Asatrian, Prolegomena to the Study of the Kurds, Iran and the Caucasus, Vol.13, pp.1-58, 2009


Aryans- Rudiger Schmitt – Encyclopedia Iranica


The Median Dialects of Isfahan, Habib Borjian, Iranian woman


The “Aryan” Language, Gherardo Gnoli, Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient, Roma, 2002


David Mackenzie, “Eranshahr” in Encyclopedia Iranica

http://www.iranica.com/articles/iran-vi-iranian-languages-and-scri pts

Produced by Oktor Skjærvø, “Iranian Languages and Script” in Encyclopedia Iranica


Paul, Ludwig (1998a). The position of Zazaki among West Iranian languages. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Iranian Studies, 11-15.09.1995, Cambridge, Nicholas Sims-Williams (ed.), 163-176. Wiesbaden: Reichert

G. Gnoli,“Iranic Identity as a Historical Problem: the Beginnings of a National Awareness under the Achaemenians,” in The East and the Meaning of Histoy. International Conference (23–27 November 1992), Roma, 1994, pp. 147-67


G. Gnoli, “IRANIAN IDENTITY ii. PRE-ISLAMIC PERIOD” in Encyclopedia Iranica. Online accessed in 2010 [G. Gnoli, “IRANIAN IDENTITY ii. PRE-ISLAMIC PERIOD” in Encyclopedia Iranica. Online accessed in 2010]


Chorasmia- in Encyclopedia Iranica

Chorasmian Language in Encyclopaedia Iranica and Encyclopaedia of Islam by D.N. Mackenzie

The “Aryan” Language, Gherardo Gnoli, Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient, Roma, 2002.


Fry, Richard: "The Ancient Heritage of Iran", translated by Masoud Rajabnia, Scientific and Cultural Publications, 1368
- Sale, Bahram: "Iranvij", Tehran University Press, 1374

Rüdiger Schmitt (Hg.): Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum. Wiesbaden (Reichert 1989)

G. Windfuhr, The iranian Languages, Routledge, 2009