وظيفة معلم 'التاى,en’

بعض الملاحظات على خلفية الفارابي: هندي (Soghdian / الفارسي) أو بالتركية(التاى)?

نسخة PDF بعض الملاحظات على خلفية الفارابي: هندي (Soghdian / الفارسي) أو بالتركية(التاى)? Goshtasp Lohraspi This article discusses the background of Abu Nasr Farabi (872-950/951 A.D.), one of the most famous Muslim Polymaths who contributed to many fields including philosophy, music theory, logics, sociology and others. Farabi is one of the greatest figures of humanity and his […]

A Study about the Persian Cultural Legacy and Background of the Sufi Mystics Shams Tabrizi and Jalal al-Din Rumi

به نام خداوند جان و خرد کزین اندیشه برتر برنگذرد A Study about the Persian Cultural Legacy and Background of the Sufi Mystics Shams Tabrizi and Jalal al-Din Rumi By Rahgozari Minutalab October 2009, Open Source. The author is not association with any modification of the current article but any author is free to use […]